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Passing drug test can be a problem for a lot of employees. Here you can discover about marijuana drug test & detox kits.

Hair Follicle Drug Testing

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Drug testing has been enforced for at least 2 decades in many companies to detect if company's employees are on drugs. The most commonly taken drugs detected by drug testing are cannabinoids (marijuana, hashish), cocaine, opiates (opium, heroin), amphetamines, ecstasy etc.

There are various types of drug tests carried out at present. Most commonly, urine, oral fluids, hair samples are taken and tested in a testing laboratory. Drug screening can be also carried out on-site, which lowers company's expenses and is more convenient for employees.

Thus, one of the most commonly administered on -site drug test is the oral swab. It is inexpensive. The company spends around $1.00 for each test. Besides, it is less embarrassing for employees compared to collecting urine specimens. Moreover, saliva tests are fast. Thus, it takes several minutes to get the results ready. In addition, these drug tests are harder to adulterate than urine tests, since specimens are gathered under strict supervision. Though being donor friendly, non-invasive and very easy to do, saliva drug tests are appropriate for detecting very recent drug abuse. At least 6 types of drugs can be detected in this way.

One more way of drug checking is examination of urine specimens. Approximately ten types of drugs can be determined by means of urine drug tests. There are three kinds of a urine drug test: dip form, cassette form and cup form. The employee's urine is collected in a specially designed secure cup and closed off with a tamper-proof tape. After that the cup is directed by express delivery service to a testing lab where it is examined for the presence or absence of drugs or their metabolized traces.

Hair testing is assumed to be accurate and can detect drug abuse as far back as ninety days. Since hair grows out, any drugs taken are encased in the hair shaft. Longer hair can provide an individual's drug history spanning a longer period of time than shorter hair. Human hair grows, on average, 0,5 inches a month. Testing labs commonly demand approximately 0,5 - 1,5 inches for screening. This represents approximately 30 - 90 days of drug use.

Spray drug tests are also very easy to do. They are very accurate and difficult to adulterate as well. Yet, the number of drugs determined by means of a spray drug test is limited.

Despite of the fact that many employees and privacy advocates consider drug tests a brutal intrusion of privacy and infringement of one's rights and freedoms, drug tests continue to be administered by employers, because drug use is frequently the reason for absenteeism, health problems and on-the-job accidents.